Thanks for pointing out my html text, Margaret. I hope I've fixed the
problem. If not, please let me know asap.
Helen, you've made me feel better knowing I have some company in the
"just ignore that events section" blues. I've never been one to read the
manual but the older I get the more it appears that it's a good idea.
Your tips on the photos are terrific. I haven't started labeling the
ones I've scanned in yet - so this gives me a chance to do it right the
first time.
I guess since I have to go through each person and move the census
anyway, it doesn't matter whether there's a global way to set up and
event (like Census) for everyone in one move. wrote:
> Hi Deborah,
>  >The only solution I've come up with is to create an event for each
>  > individual called "census" and then assign the census records to that
>  >event.
>       That's how I do it - now! I started off by ignoring the Events section,
> assigning all pictures of censuses, B,M & D registrations, etc.  to the
> general category for the person and all the printed census records to
> the general notes. It made everything too difficult to read and keep
> track of, so I'm in the midst of changing everything to the event
> category, no small task with over 5000 people to do.
> Most importantly though, do be careful how you name your pictures. I
> started off by naming them, for example,
>   John Henry Peter Smith birth.jpg   or
>   JHP Smith birth.jpg           and
>   1891 census-JHP Smith.jpg
> With the huge number of Johns, Henrys and Williams on the list of
> document images, the files area was a real mess.
> What a dough-head I was! Who is the most important factor in genealogy?
> the person, of course.
> So now I'm in the process of renaming all the images as
>    Smith John Henry Peter birth.jpg  and
>    Smith John Henry Peter-1891 census.jpg
> Women are named with their maiden surname for photos taken before
> marriage, for example, a baby picture, but as an adult with their spouse
> and children, I name them   Jones Smith Mary Jane-th.jpg
> It makes it much easier when checking the files area on my hard drive,
> to see what I have and don't have for each person, but again, what a
> chore renaming and reassigning all the images.
> When I have actual photos of the person, I make a 33 dpi by 50 dpi
> cropped photo and name it - Smith John Henry Peter-th.jpg. that way, I
> can search the files for "th" and find out instantly who I have
> photographs for and who I don't.
> Helen
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