Since the new system I've been getting some posts that have a graphic question 
mark in the text of other people's posts.  I don't know if it's their software 
doing it or Legacy's email system.  I haven't seen it for a while, but it pops 
up occasionally.

I also get email responses that have no text in them as if the person sent an 
email without a reply.  I got a number of them the other day.

Bill Boswell

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny M Benson []
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Duplicate posts

Gorski Ian wrote
>I'm getting the same using Outlook.  I unsubscribed and resubscribed
>it still does it.
>Occasionally I only get one copy of a post.

I think something funny has been going on since LUG was moved to a new

Ever since then I have noticed that all my threads, when expanded, show
a "dot" between each post.  A "dot" there normally indicates that a post
is missing for some reason and is normal behaviour.

You guys mentioning that you are getting 2 copies of posts makes me
think that that is why have all these "missing" ones as I know my
mail/newsreader is designed not to show 2 identical copies.
Jenny M Benson

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