On 2010/03/08 22:02, caby...@frontiernet.net wrote:
> I use the standard location format: city/town, county, state, country.  That
> way I can use the master location list in Legacy and the map features.  This
> is a standard way of defining a location, and a convention that everyone
> understands.  It's like entering a date as DDMMMYYYY, and there is no
> confusion.

That's what Ron & I dislike so much! Look at what you wrote. That's US
terminology, and probably your frame of reference. But it doesn't apply
for everyone. So, we dispense with the Geo-Database because, again, it
tries to impose something on us that we don't like, and go on our own
merry way.

I'm beginning to think that the biggest (nearly used the n word there)
rat in the woodpile, is actually the LDS itself. They're the ones that
seem to be insisting on a 4-part location. The software companies are
merely playing follow-my-leader.

Mike Fry

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