Hey, Ron, now let's not go over the top!!

I am making no recommendations as to any format, and it is not correct to
say that I prefer and only use 3 field locations. In fact I use as many
fields are as necessary to correctly enter a location as it was at the time
of an Event, in the light of the information available to me. This can be
any number equal to, or greater than 1. Less than one and I have no details

For my American relatives I will commonly use 4 fields, but I am not
hidebound to the 4, if it needs more then it will have more, and vice versa.
So to answer your question I would use the appropriate number (see above). I
even use "<not Westmorland, England>" when our 1841 census tells me that
somebody living in the county of Westmorland was born "out of county" - with
a note to explain the angle brackets, if I've put it in!

Regarding places which have a duplicate in the same county, I am not averse
to writing them as "Barton, Near Manchester, Lancashire, England" and
"Barton, Near Preston, Lancashire, England". Incidentally I never write
"Manchester, Lancashire", because as England's second city, it doesn't need
one, since in my view everybody knows where "Manchester, England" is,
especially footballing (soccer) nations. Sorry, "Birmingham, Warwickshire".

Ron Ferguson

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Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
For The Fergusons of N.W. England

Ron Goodwin wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> I would prefer an option in Legacy that would allow users to use 3 or
> 4 place locations depending on the country they are entering
> information on.
> I understand that you prefer and only use 3 place locations, so how
> would you handle the United States locations? I have relatives in
> Canada, England, Australia as well as the United States and well 3
> place locations fit most countries I have some locations within
> several States within the USA where the same town name appears more
> that once within the same State and the only way to identify the
> correct location is by using the County identifier.
> Any suggestions?
> Ron
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Ferguson [mailto:ronfergy....@tiscali.co.uk]
> Sent: March 8, 2010 18:55
> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Locations, addresses and events
> Carol,
> It is not a "standard location format" if you are British, or of
> many, many
> other nationalities. We abandoned standardisation before it was
> invented, on
> the basis that is does not work, will not work, and conflicts with our
> freedom of expression.
> My location at one time was "Glossop, Derbyshire, England". The
> problem is,
> as you can see, there aint 4 fields, nor is there anywhere where I
> can stick
> a comma (not that I would, I hate them, except when used correctly in
> English). I could also go to the other extreme, should you so wish,
> where
> the very old  (like before my time) location of the place where I
> lived was
> "Winton, Barton upon Irwell, Eccles, Hundred of Salford, Lancashire,
> England", where Winton is a Hamlet, Barton upon Irwell: a Township,
> Eccles:
> a Parish, Hundred of Salford: the Hundred, Lancashire: the County and
> England: Country.
> Please bare in mind that some countries had locations nearly 2000
> years ago,
> and most of ours were included in the Doomsday Book cir. 1086. You
> may care
> to visit my blog at http://bit.ly/8VDqTc, which was reprinted by
> World Vital
> Records btw. for more details.
> I also note that in the new transcriptions for their new database
> Family
> Search are now starting use use correct English locations (more or
> less).
> There's hope yet!
> Ron Ferguson
> _____________________________________________________

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