On 2010/03/14 10:37, RICHARD SCHULTHIES wrote:
> The way i did similar task was to use 'search and replace', then for
> the less used locations, I went to Master Location list, created a
> 'plug' ex: Queensland, then sorted the list to move them together,
> then opened each place with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V on top of the old.

[Please trim the excess before posting a reply]

It's actually far, far easier than people have been making it sound!

On the Master Locations list, there is a button labelled 'Combine'. Use
it to combine one record, containing QLD say, with another containing
Queensland. If you enable the program to change ALL references on the
box that pops up, voila! you're done.

Oh. You can also select multiple locations (CTRL-click) before pressing
the Combine button and ALL their references will be consolidated into
the target location.

Mike Fry

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