
I have re-read your original post, and I'm now uncertain what you are asking 

Do you want a list of which people are assigned to which source?  If so, the 
instructions Brian and I gave will both do that.

Or, do you want to easily re-use a source to attach it to other people?
If this is the case, then, as Jenny and Kirsten have indicated, the Source 
Clipboard is your answer.  Copy the source (with its detail) to the Source 
Clipboard the first time you enter it, then you can add it to every other 
person with just one mouse click.  Or, if you want to re-use an entire census 
event for another person, use the Event Clipboard.

I personally would never "lump" all the 1870 census together (I group my 
sources by state and county), but even if I did, it is only a couple of mouse 
clicks to bring up the info and put it on the Source Clipboard.  For example, 
if you were working a couple of weeks ago on entering 12 people all shown on 
one page of the census and had to stop after person #6, just pull up a person 
you have already entered, click on the source icon (looks like three books), 
highlight the source, and copy it to the clipboard. 

If you don't remember which people you have already entered with that source, 
then either Cite a Master Source and enter new detail and copy to the 
clipboard; or from the Master Source List, use Show List, highlight an 
individual you know is on the same page of the census that you want to re-use, 
click edit individual, and then copy that person's source to the clipboard.

Legacy is so powerful and does so many things, with so many choices as to how 
to do it, that it may take a while to get used to, but it beats FTM hands down, 



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