
To my knowledge, the Source Writer Conversion Tool, has never been released. I 
will agree with Ron Ferguson that it should be removed from the help files to 
eliminate confusion, however, I will even go a step further and say (In my 
opinion) there are just too many variables for a Source Writer Conversion Tool 
to take them all into account and work properly for everyone, and therefore 
should be abandoned as a project. I am sure the programmers and developers of 
Legacy could spend that time on polishing existing features within Legacy.

As a side note, I was able to correct many errors previously made by having to 
manually review each of the individuals after converting to Legacy via GEDCOM. 
If the Source Writer Conversion Tool had been available I would have never 
caught those earlier mistakes. So I am actually happy that the Source 
Conversion Tool was not available. This is just my opinion, others may feel 


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