
For a short while there was a conversion tool built into Legacy. It was wonderful. It made my life very, very nice. Unfortunately, it was soon removed in an update; far, far before I could **easily** convert all my sources. One must strike while the iron is hot!!!!

The reason we were given as to the removal of the conversion tool was that it did not always work correctly and that there were some unhappy campers as a

I, for one, would be **most** willing to take my chances with the Legacy conversion tool.

At 04:35 PM 5/1/2010, you wrote:
I want to convert my existing master source citations to the SourceWriter templates.
In the Help menu, The Source Template Conversion Tool screen says ..."The Source Template Conversion Tool is reached from the Master Source List by clicking the Options button and then choosing Source Template Conversion Tool from the submenu."
I pulled up the Master Source List, clicked Options.  But I do not see Source Template Conversion Tool on the submenu.  Here is what is listed:
  Delete Master Source
  Tag/Exclude Options
  Change Surety Settings
  Combine Duplicates
  Purge Unused
  Import Lists
What am I missing?
I am currently running version
Thank you,
Jim Sweet
email jimls38...@gmail.com

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