On 06/08/2010 00:03, Noddie wrote:
> I would like to make a list of individuals who do not have 1911
> census details in the events I have created.
> I did a search
> Individual    Event-date       Not equal to       1911
> All ok I got a list of 3863 individuals
> I checked the info and found that some on the list had been included
> even though their 1911 date had been filled in.
> I am a little nervous with this, as I am not sure now that the search
> is full proof, and wonder if I am doing it the
> wrong way.  It seems a little hit and miss to me?

If you did actually select "Not equal to" and entered "1911" but you
have entered the Event date as "02 April 1911" (or some variant) then
you would not get the result you are wanting.  You would need to enter
the date in your Search criteria exactly as you entered it in your Event

Jenny M Benson

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