I use an ASUS T91MT convertible Net book/Tablet with Win 7. I have had
mine for about 6 months and use it everyday and could not be happier.
It is a Swiss Army Knife computer. The touchscreen rotates and folds
down like a book or you can use it like any other netbook.

Right now I have Legacy and Animap installed for Genealogy that I sync
with my desktop. I also have Kindle software installed that I use for
a reader. Some of the other programs I use with it are Open Office,
Microsoft Streets & Trips(with USB GPS dongle) for finding places and
Garmin software for GPS tracks and waypoints (like cemetery and
headstone locations).

If there is a down side to owning one is the speed. With a 1.3 GHz
Atom processor It is not very powerful. It uses a solid-state (SSD)
drive with no fan and a faster processor would heat up the machine. I
do get about 4.5 hours on a battery charge.

Just thought I would add my two cents.

G.C. Oliver
Athens, Ga.

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