On 17/09/2010 18:09, Lloyd Hite wrote:
> I use the name of Newspapers and Funeral Homes as sources for
> Obituaries. What would I put in the Detail Box I have been leaving
> that blank as I did not know what to put in it.

If all the necessary information is included in the Master Source then
you don't need a Source Detail and can leave it blank.

It does sound as though you are creating a new Master Source for every
Obituary.  Of course, you are free to do so if that's your chosen
option, but if you created just one or a few Master Sources with
information that does not vary from one citation to the next, you can
put the "varying details" into Source Detail.

For example, you might have a Master Source called "Anytown Clarion
Obituaries" and for the Master Source you would enter information that
related to that particular publication.  Whenever you found an Obit to
include in Legacy, the Source Detail would be the date of that edition
of the paper, the page and column number.

Jenny M Benson

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