On 2011/01/09 07:27, Perk Bingham wrote:
> As I see it the one in Finnish (Soumi) is only a listing of the leaders and
> presidents. Failing finding a download, could one do the research as to the
> dates and make and install their own?   I think it's only a text (.txt) file.

See the Folder C:\Legacy\Timelines\<Language>\ for the files.

They're all plain text files, in a kind of CSV format except instead of using
commas, the | character is used as the field separator. The first record is a
kind of file header and the rest of the lines comprise the data records. The
actual specification is almost self-explanatory, so I won't waste time on that!
You can work it out for yourself.

Since this is a particular format, you're unlikely to find a repository from
which you can download other files. By all means do your own research, but then
you should use the built-in Timeline Editor to enter your research data.
Alternatively, you could also use Excel or OpenOffice Calc to create the files.
An exercise that is probably best left to those users that can be bothered :-)

Mike Fry

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