Out of curiosity...have you clicked on the "Help" button and searched
on "Timelines"...it explains about creating new timelines...


On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Perk Bingham <p...@wavecable.com> wrote:
> Thanks Ellen,
> I guess what I'm looking for are additional timeline files, some that would
> be a bit more specific such as the wars that Finland fought against the
> Soviet Union (and lost all of them (:>)) and the various battles in our own
> Revolutionary War.
> As I see it the one in Finnish (Soumi) is only a listing of the leaders and
> presidents. Failing finding a download, could one do the research as to the
> dates and make and install their own?   I think it's only a text (.txt)
> file.
> Thanks again for the quick response,
> Perk (:>)
> Washington State, USA

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