On 2011/04/18 17:16, Cathy Vallevieni wrote:
> When I go to Geo Location mapping, the pin is shown but otherwise the
> screen is blank.  If I zoom out, the Americas and part of Europe shows
> but the range indicator states 1000 miles and it's clearly showing more
> than 1000 miles.  When I zoom in 1 click it goes to 600 miles range and
> shows the pin but otherwise the screen is blank.  I am in 2D Road view.
> If I choose Aerial, the screen goes black.  I added 3D a while ago and I
> can't remember if I've used it at all since so maybe that messed
> something up?  3D is working the same way as 2D (range doesn't match
> what the picture on the screen). Any ideas?

It's Bing Maps misbehaving. Not Legacy.

Mike Fry

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