Hmmm... Thanks Dennis.

I'd be interested to find out if anyone who is synching between Legacy
and Families 1.0 are experiencing inserted LF and CR characters!

I'm sure if it's a problem that Malcolm will fix it quickly.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:43 AM, Dennis M. Kowallek <> wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Nov 2011 19:48:53 -0500, "M. Brenzel"
> <> wrote:
>>I know that the notes are correct.  They printed correctly in previous 
>>versions.  I am not sure but I think that the added lines have just appeared 
> This is interesting. I helped one other user fix her file about a week
> ago (see "Spacing Issues / Word Wrap" thread). Many of her memo (Access
> data type) fields had extra LF and CR characters. There were way too
> many problems for it to be attributed to pilot error. She thought that
> it might have been caused by moving her file back and forth to the
> Families program on her ipad. I asked her to conduct a small test to
> look for the introduction of these extra characters. I haven't heard
> back from her so I don't think she has done so.
> IIRC, she said the problem started in August.
> --
> Dennis Kowallek (LTools/Custom Programming)

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