Can anyone recommend a Home Movie Transfer Service (8mm film) that they
have been happy with?

I used with a few reels as a test and was happy with them but
I would like to do my entire collection and they will be expensive for
that.  I have about 21 of the 50-ft reels and 5 or 6 large medium to large

Another company I found that seems to have excellent pricing is  I would like to end up with computer files
that I can later edit, create my own DVD's, etc. and it looks like I could
get all my film done and in this format for about $500.  Still a lot of
money but if the quality is decent it would be nice to have it all done.

Anyhow, it's a scary though to send off all my un-replaceable film from the
40s-70s to some unknown company for 4-6 weeks so any suggestions, comments,
ideas, etc. would be appreciated.


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