Ron and others,
I did just re-submit a suggestion on this item.  Wish I had copied it for
posterity, because there is no way to look up a suggestion.  But here's what I
remember including:

Lineage Report  (there's a vertical report and a horizontal chart)
1.  Allow selection of two Individuals
2.  Utilize Relationship Calculator logic to find how the two Individuals are
related - save that lineage
3.  Allow selection of lineage (if the Individuals are related in more than one
4.  Print siblings (if checked) and spouse for each Individual *regardless of
5.  Add option to "print siblings for spouses"  (check box)

I think there was also a small bug about not recognizing date prefix
modifications in the Customize section.

Although the horizontal chart might encounter some page layout issues, this
shouldn't be a brand new program if they use the already established
Relationship Calculator logic.  Well, that's what *I* think at least. ;)

From: Ron Taylor <>
Sent: Sun, February 26, 2012 9:11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Print maternal lineage

It may require a lot of programming to have both paternal and maternal lineages
at the same time on the Lineage report but it could be fairly easy to provide an
option to make the report follow the paternal or maternal line.  That made me
think of yet another possibility.  Could the lineage report show details of the
lineage with siblings between any individual and a given ancestor regardless of
whether it tracked the male or female link in each generation.  The Relationship
Calculator can do that now without the siblings.  The Lineage report parameters
would ask for the RIN of the ancestor and the chart would like much like the
current paternal lineage report except it would follow the maternal links where
necessary as well as the paternal links depending on the lineage and include
siblings if that option box is checked.
Ron  Taylor

--- On Sun, 2/26/12, Barbara <> wrote:

>From: Barbara <>
>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Print maternal lineage
>Date: Sunday, February 26, 2012, 4:09 AM
>Did anyone else attempt to answer the original question about printing names in
>the maternal line?  If you did, I missed it - I've been away for three days on
>business.   I'm resending trusting someone can help us.
>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Paula Ryburn
>>Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 1:47   PM
>>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Print maternal   lineage
>>Not that I know of.  I had looked at the Lineage report when I was   working 
>>my DAR application -- my lineage goes through my mom and her mom   before 
>>"all male".
>>However, I am now waiting excitedly to see if someone answers you in the 
>>affirmative! ;)
>>I had submitted a suggestion on a flexible lineage report that run   between 
>>two people (rather than just starting at one person and going up   their male
>>ancestor line).
>>I did not however specifically ask for the siblings of the females.....   Or I
>>guess in the context of my suggestion, it would be to show the siblings   of
>>both partners.... right?  Hmm, that would be a bit   harder.
>> --Paula in Texas
>>Researching: Adair Baker Beasley   Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
>>Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine   Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
>>Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon   Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
>>Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell   McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
>>Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer   Sullivan Weller Williams
 From: Barbara   <>
>>Sent: Fri, February 24, 2012 4:28:39   AM
>>Subject: [LegacyUG] Print   maternal lineage
>>Hi folks,
>>Is it possible to print a lineage chart showing   both the paternal and 
>>information regarding brothers and   sisters?   Currently when I want to 
>>print a
>>lineage report all that   shows is the paternal brothers and sisters.  I would
>>like to have the   report show the maternal too.
>>Thanks for your help.
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