
Your point is well made.

Having found similar issues with the Help search function in other software I 
am inclined to think this may be more of a problem with the Microsoft help 
function than with Legacy. Maybe someone with expertise in this area will 

Larry Lee

hwedhlor <> wrote:

>My apologies to all. The two lists I attempted to include
>with my previous e-mail did not display well, even though I
>kept to plain text and spaces, rather than tabs to separate
>them. Here are those two lists one above the other in hopes
>that they will be easier to read. I have included the
>content of my original post to make it easier for everyone
>to associate the lists with the text of my e-mail. Sorry
>about any inconvenience.
>John Zimmerman
>Mesa, AZ
>Pat and Marnie,
>I am in complete accord with you on Legacy Help screens, and
>to a great extent on the Legacy 7 manual as well.Entries
>tend to present the user with a multitude of exceptions
>rather than on the most simple, straight forward procedures
>that are liable to be sought after by first time Legacy
>novices.The Legacy Help System Keyword Search presents
>information in a convoluted, and non-intuitive fashion that
>can be daunting to use by even a seasoned Legacy enthusiast.
>Let's examine "Sources" as an example.This mailing list
>probably discusses sources more than any other subject.
>Partly because we all tend to enter sources differently from
>person to person, so much verbiage is expended on this list
>diagramming, justifying and rebutting one-another’s source
>citing philosophies. However at least as much energy is
>expended explaining things that new Legacy users should be
>able to find using the Help System. Unfortunately they
>cannot find those explanations because the Help System is
>not very well organized.
>If I click on “Help/Show Help Index” then key in “Sources” I
>am presented with a list of 32 sub-headings under the word
>"Sources".With "Sources" highlighted in the resulting
>Keyword List I am invited to click on a "Display" button at
>the bottom right of the list, and if I click on that button
>in hopes that the large screen area to the right of the
>Keyword List will fill with information about Sources I am
>sorely disappointed, for instead I am presented with yet
>another list! The "Topics Found List" is only 23 items, but
>surprisingly four of them duplicate entries on the Keyword
>List of sub-headings (see the two lists below). The oddities
>of capitalization in the lists are taken directly from the
>Help System.
>Keyword List
>Adding when exporting GEDCOMs
>Advanced source citations
>Assignment when importing
>Citation report
>citations (advance)
>citations to groups
>Clipboard loading
>Detail Comments
>Detail options
>Entry system
>in Notes
>Marriage information
>Name options
>on Reports
>Options for books
>Search for missing
>Tab on name list
>which system to use
>Topics Found List
>Adding Source Types
>Advanced Source Citations
>AutoSource - Export
>Book Source Options
>Citing the Sources of Your Information
>Define or Edit a Master Source
>Defining Master Sources
>How to Document Your Information
>Importing a GEDCOM File
>Information Screen
>Marriage Information
>Master Source List
>Master Source Type List
>Missing Sources Search
>Name List
>Report Options
>Source Citation Report
>Source Clipboard
>Source Detail
>Source Detail Comments
>Sources Tab
>Which Source System to Use
>To my way of thinking when a user highlights “Sources” in
>the Keyword List, then clicks on “Display,” they should be
>presented with some text in the right window that explains
>the fundamentals of citing sources as well as explaining
>that there are two systems in Legacy (Basic and
>SourceWriter) for citing sources. If the user is a little
>savvy about genealogy they will be able to figure out that
>“Citing the Sources of Your Information” will probably
>provide some basic information, and indeed it does, but I’d
>like to know why “Citing the Sources of Your Information” is
>not one of the items on the Keyword List and why clicking
>"Display" while "Sources" is highlighted on the original
>list the user does not trigger that same information about
>citing sources instead of getting another list?
>If the organization of the Keyword List is not confusing
>enough, throughout the Help system the text refers to icons
>by their name. A new user is not going to be familiar with
>what those icons look like. The Help system should show
>pictures of those icons when they are referenced.
>To sum up, the Legacy Help system is full of information,
>but it is presented in such a convoluted, non-intuitive
>fashion as to put off the user, rather than lead them down
>the path to knowledge.
>John Zimmerman
>Mesa, AZ
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