Thank you for your reply.  My problem actually turned out to be a bug
which support has submitted to the programmers.  When you're printing an
individual report, if you check the box 'include chronology pages' then
whatever font size you selected for sources is ignored and the source
citations are printed in a font about the size of 8 pt.  This bug only
exists on the individual report - the family group report and the report
generated from the chronology view work fine.


On 9/30/2013 6:49 AM, singhals wrote:
> I've lost the genesis of this thread, so I may be repeating
> something you've already tried.  If so, forgive and delete.
> On the family screen, there is a line that ends Window
> Options Help.
> Click OPTIONS.  Click Customize.  Click FONTS tab.
> Now, in the 3rd of 4 sections of the screen there's a NOTES
> line above a SOURCES line.  Click on the font-name for
> Sources.  This brings up a screen where you can specify
> font-face and size, whether bold/ital/ul .  Change the font
> size there.
> It worked for me, at least, on my free version, which is a
> couple years old.
> Cheryl
> Barbara wrote:
>> Paula:  Yes, I'm running the latest version.  The PDF also
>> comes out with a small font size for the sources.  I'm
>> having the sources display as endnotes.  I don't know if
>> that makes a difference.  Thank you again!
>> Barbara
>> On 9/27/2013 6:11 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
>>> Are you running the latest version? Â Â (August
>>> 20th)
>>> I understand completely about not resetting report
>>> options. Â I think that's not a good "solution" to any
>>> problem.
>>> Does this happen no matter what type of output you are
>>> generating? Â For example, the HTML output doesn't appear
>>> to use the font size parameter when I test that. Â The PDF
>>> did use the font size setting. Â It worked for the .BMP
>>> output, too. Â I don't see an RTF option for the
>>> Individual Report.
>>> I have exhausted my ideas. Â I hope someone else chimes in
>>> for you.Â
>>> --PaulaÂ
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Barbara <>
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Friday, September 27, 2013 6:21 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Font size for sources
>>> Paula, thank you so much for responding!  This has been
>>> going on for while now, so I have exited Legacy many
>>> times.  I really don't want to reset all of the report
>>> parameters because I've finally got everything the way I
>>> want it.  Except for the size of font for the source
>>> citations!  I did try the reset on the fonts tab of
>>> report options, but it didn't help.  Thank you for
>>> trying.ÂÂ
>>> Barbara
>>> On 9/27/2013 1:54 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
>>>> Barbara,
>>>> In another post here I was reminded there is an
>>>> "Individual Report" separate from the FGR.  I just
>>>> tested increasing the font size for source citations in
>>>> the Individual Report, and it worked for me.  I know
>>>> that doesn't help you much.  Have you tried exiting
>>>> Legacy and running Legacy again?  I think one of the
>>>> things they say here on the LUG to try is "reset all
>>>> report parameters" -- which sounds drastic to me, but it
>>>> is their go to solution in cases like you're describing.
>>>> ÂÂ
>>>> --PaulaÂÂ
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Paula Ryburn <>
>>>> <>
>>>> *To:*
>>>> <>
>>>> *Sent:* Friday, September 27, 2013 3:35 PM
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Font size for sources
>>>> Barbara,
>>>> I just tested it in the Family Group Record (is that what
>>>> you mean by "individual report" ?) -- set it to 16 point
>>>> font for sources and it worked.
>>>> I didn't see anything in Customize > Fonts or > Sources
>>>> that might be over-riding any given Report Options.
>>>> ÂÂ
>>>> --Paula in Texas
>>>> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley
>>>> Blagrave Burton Chapman Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine
>>>> Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field Floran Floyd
>>>> Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins
>>>> Hughes Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner
>>>> Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn Sanford Short
>>>> Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Barbara <> <>
>>>> *To:*
>>>> <>
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, September 23, 2013 3:09 PM
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Font size for sources
>>>> Maybe I should rephrase this question.  Is it a bug
>>>> that the font size
>>>> of the source citation on the individual report does not
>>>> change when the
>>>> source font size is increased, or is there another option
>>>> I need to
>>>> click somewhere else to make this happen?
>>>> Barbara
>>>> On 9/21/2013 11:45 AM, Barbara wrote:
>>>>> I am having trouble getting the font size to change for
>>>> an individual
>>>>> report.  I have Legacy 7.5.  I went to:
>>>> individual report > report
>>>>> options > fonts.  Then I made the "sources" times
>>>> new roman, 12.  The
>>>>> font size for the source citations on the report remain
>>>> very small.
>>>>> Barbara
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