
The default is to leave the Notes on. I have not seen a case where Legacy turned them off. Just now you have the option to turn them off either locally or globally if you choose.

As for Sources, Option 7.10 controls their placement, before or after notes, when using the default sentences that now do not have either [Notes] or [Sources] replacement strings. It assumes you are going to have the [Sources] added.

Think the real sentence is:

{Default Sentence}[Sources][Notes] or {Default Sentence}[Notes][Sources], depending which option your selected for Option 7.10.

And if you selected to not include notes in the master event definition...

{Default Sentence}[Sources]

---> {Default Sentence} is of course not a real replacement string... ;-)

If you decide to add your own Sources or Notes fields in the sentence, 7.10 does not apply, so you probably should include both, as I do not recall what really happens if you leave them both out.


At 05:30 PM 12/3/2013, Kathy Thompson wrote:
Thanks for that explanation John.

For me personally, while it explains why my sentences no longer appear like I planned them to, it does mean that I am going to have to go through each Event Definition to ensure it will read in an appropriate way.
Not a problem in that respect, the bigger problem is going to be going through each event to ensure that the notes are back in the notes, and not in the description area.

no dramas though, just means I get to re-examine each piece of evidence again.

And why would someone not want to include their sources?

On 4 December 2013 04:49, John B. Lisle <leg...@tqsi.com> wrote:
Kathy, Kurt, et al,

In part because of Shared Events, a lot of changes were made to Event Sentences.

Let me walk you through some of the changes.

1/ Option 7.10

With L8, the default sentences no longer have the [Notes] and [Sources] fields included, UNLESS YOU WANT TO INCLUDE THEM... (see below...)

This option, allows you to set which order in your sentences you want to arrange those fields.

2/ Creating an event - Note can be included optionally.

When you create an event, you now have an option to not add notes to a sentence. There is a checkbox at the top, that by default is checked, that when unchecked, the Notes are not displayed when the sentence is created.

3/ Editing an event - Add the notes.

When you edit an event, you have a checkbox that allows you for that instance to not display notes when the Sentence is constructed.

4/ Editing Role Notes - 2 checkboxes

When you edit a role for a Shared event, you can elect to include in the sentence, either the Main Notes or the Role Notes or both.

Back to Editing an Event Definition...

5/ Note the preview window that should show you what your sentence will look like. Note you can decide what type of event it will be.

And note the little blue dot that brings up a file you can edit that provides text for the various replacement strings, if you feel a personal need to do that. If you do edit it, please save a copy of your edits, as this file may sometime in the future get overwritten by a Legacy update.

6/ Reset Button

This button brings up a menu of 2 choices -

a. Reset sentences to default

b. Reset sentences to that of another event. This I find exciting as it allows me to load another event's sentences and then make minor edits - or no edits - to work for new event.

Let me give an example:

I have customer events for "World War I Draft Registration" and "World Ward II Draft Registration":

[EventName] for [Name] [onDate] [~atPlace].[Desc][Sources]<:If[Notes]::[CR][Notes]>

I set the 8 sentences up for one of the events and just loaded the other event from the first. With the [Event Name] field, no changes had to be made at all.

Please note that the Condition _expression_ at the end of the sentence has a different format in L8. L8's standard is to use <> angle brackets, in place of [] square bracket, to enclose a conditional.

<:If[Notes]::[CR][Notes]> is something I use with most of my events so that, if I want note a line break inserted before the notes begin, it does not appear if no notes are included with the instance of the event.

L8 does not convert L7 [] conditionals to L8 <> conditionals, but L8 syntax allows for either syntax. I switched mine over as I think the <> is easier to read.

Does this explain better what is going on with basic custom event sentences and notes.


At 06:16 AM 12/3/2013, Kathy Thompson wrote:
no maybe not - but it did rearrange things enough to be annoying.
I now have my notes in my description field and that has messed up my sentences as a result.

For one event I had
[HeShe] resided at [Desc] [onDate] [inPlace]. [Notes][Sources]
Which would have given me
He resided at Oak Hill, Wethersfield Road on 31 March 1901 in Gosfield, Essex, England. Family of Samuel (45), Martha (42) and children Elizabeth (18), Basil (16), Priscilla (14), Frederick (11), Herbert (9) and John (3)¹

Now I have
[HeShe] resided at [Desc] [onDate] [inPlace].
Which gives me
He resided at Oak Hill, Wethersfield Road: Family of Samuel (45), Martha (42) and children Elizabeth (18), Basil (16), Priscilla (14), Frederick (11), Herbert (9) and John (3) on 31 March 1901 in Gosfield, Essex, England.¹

Not the result I wanted - and it means I am going to have to find every single one of these facts to correct them to the way I want the sentence to read.

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