
I cannot confirm this, I think that I followed your procedure, but here is what 
I did, it is not exact because I did not have similar options available, 
nevertheless I think it follows your method.

1) Selected an individual’s Resident Event on his Information Screen
2) Selected Sources Icon
3) Cite a Master Source
4) Added a Local Tax Digital Image Master Source and filled in some boxes
5) Selected the source created in (4)
6) Added the Details
7) Closed Sources Screen
8) Saved Individual’s Information Screen

The new source was added to the sources for the Residence Event.

Ron Ferguson

From: William Boswell
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 9:26 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] New Source Detail Not Being Created (Legacy 8)

I tried uninstalling Legacy 8 and it only uninstalled the log file like Legacy 
7.5 does while leaving the program files intact.

Fortunately I did a system backup last night so I was able to restore my system 
that has Legacy 8 Build:  This version works without this problem of 
not being able to create new Source Details.  The problem started in Build

Bill Boswell

From: William Boswell []
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:14 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] New Source Detail Not Being Created (Legacy 8)

After updating Legacy 8, I tried to add a new Detail for the 1940 Census.  The 
steps taken were:

1) I selected alternate name to begin the process of adding the 1940 census.  I 
selected the Source Citation icon, then selected Cite a Master Source.

2) Under Master Source List, I selected the 1940 Census.

3) Under Add the Source Detail, I input my information for Detail Information, 
Text/Comments and Media then selected Save.

The new item did not appear on the list.  I tried this twice and both times it 
didn't work.  It was working prior to the update.  Fortunately I haven't added 
much so I can go back to the version before this one which I just downloaded 
last night.

Bill Boswell

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