Well, I found the executable for  Microsoft Office Word and I linked to it as 
the Word Processor in Option 11.1.  If I click Launch from there, the program 
opens as expected.  However, if I go to an individual's media center and click 
on a docx item there, I still get wordpad.  I even tried shutting down Legacy 
and restarting.  And also attaching a different docx document.  Still keeps 
opening up with wordpad.  Unless there's something I'm missing, it seems there 
is a bug here.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Kneeland [mailto:kurt-kneel...@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 8:07 PM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Unsupported File Format

Check your settings in Options->Customize 11.1.

On mine the entries are blank which calls up the default programs.  When I 
tested it, a docx came up in wordpad which said it didn't support all the 
functionality of a docx file.  On first attempt, I'm having trouble finding the 
exe file for msword to put into Legacy option 11.1 or for where to tell windows 
to use msword instead of wordpad as the default word processor.  Windows is 
already set where docx opens in msword if I open a file of that type from the 
windows file explorer.  (Windows 7 Home Edition).

-----Original Message-----
From: gcr...@juno.com [mailto:gcr...@juno.com]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 6:29 PM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: [LegacyUG] Unsupported File Format

I'm finding several *unsupported file format* errors as I review files attached 
to individuals in Legacy 8. Upon closer inspection these these *unsupported 
file format* are files that were created as a .docx or .doc format from WORD. 
These are primarily obituary documents copied/pasted from on-line, or other 
sources. These files were also attached to individual in Legacy 7.5 and caused 
no problem, i.e. they could be opened without a problem.

I've found nothing concerning WORD documents in Legacy 8 User's Guide.

Anyone care to comment?


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