Since Legacy 8 does not lose any user data I do not know why you think
there are more changes needed. The only way data would be "lost" in
Legacy 8 would be if the user edits the vital event notes to remove the
Event Description: text of the description line(s) from those notes and
then it would be their removal of that text not Legacy which deletes the

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

On 30 Jan 2014 12:00 PM, Brian L. Lightfoot wrote:
> Thanks for those comments, Brian. It's nice to know that the issue was at 
> least partially addressed in v8. And like I mentioned, it is an obscure bug 
> but the bombshell remains in that once the user makes those steps in swapping 
> an event with a Vital Record Event, data in the Notes are destroyed by 
> Legacy. There is no Oops button; there is no Go Back button. The data is lost 
> forever unless one can open up a backup to retrieve it. The problem is that a 
> user would not be aware that Legacy destroyed data in the Notes field unless 
> they specifically checked to see if it was all there. Maybe after v8 gets 
> smoothed out, v9 or v10 might get this issue addressed. Not really a 
> widespread problem now but the concept that the program can lose user's data 
> is not a good advertisement.
> Brian in CA

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