Great advice Jim!

I run a File Check repair Every time I use Legacy
I create a backup at least once every day and if I have spent an hour or
more adding info, I will make a backup after that.
(Every month I deleted old backups and that folder usually has about 50 to
delete every month)

DO NOT leave legacy open if you are not going to work on it.

Be conscious of any use of " or ' that could foul up records during an
import or export  (the fewer "quotes" I have, the fewer problems occur with
data going in and out)

I read these stories here of Data : magically being added or removed....
I would bet all my research that it's all operator error.



On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Jim Terry/Support <
> wrote:

> Here are some things that may help stop data corruption and data loss:
> . Always do Check/Repair before and after updating/upgrading the Legacy
> program; before and after importing one file into another; before and after
> merging duplicate persons, etc.
> . Use an uninterruptable power supply or APC to protect your computer from
> sudden power loss and to filter out power surges/fluctuations.
> . Don't leave Legacy open and unattended for prolonged periods. Shut it
> down if you are going to bed or will be away for more than a few minutes. A
> family file can be corrupted if Legacy is open when an automatic Windows
> update with reboot happens.
> . Make sure that you always work in the same family file.  Some users have
> more than one family file with the exact same name, but saved in different
> locations. For example, if they have been adding new people to their family
> file called MyGenealogy.fdb saved in Documents for several weeks, and then
> inadvertently open an old version MyGenealogy.fdb saved in the Legacy
> folder they conclude that Legacy has lost data.
> . Restoring a family file from an old backup can be a problem. If you do
> not backup frequently and need to restore your family file, you will get an
> older version of your file with fewer people.
> . Too many backups can be confusing. When you restore from a backup copy,
> select the one with the most recent date.
> . Run ScanDisk / Disk Defragmenter regularly on your computer's hard drive
> and replace bad drives.
> . Don't push the 2 GB size limitation for a family file. As a file
> approaches the 2 GB limit it becomes susceptible to errors that can't be
> fixed.
> . Back up your family file on a regular basis, especially before any major
> file operations like importing and merging records, or using any tools like
> Check/Repair, Advanced Deleting, Advanced Sourcing or Search and Replace
> which make global changes to your family file.
> Jim
> Legacy Technical Support
> -------- Original Message --------
> > From: "Elizabeth Verchio" <>
> > Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 2:02 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Oh-oh!
> >
> > Several weeks ago I had the exact       'Oh-oh! event when over 5,000
> people who were not previously       linked to a location (In the Master
> Location List) was suddenly       linked -Â  seems the events were pretty
> much the way you described       them, Brian.  I just sat and looked at
> the screen for about 10       minutes - I was too shocked to move!  That
> was when I looked into       the Legacy e-mail group to see if it had
> happened before.  By the       time I got signed up, able to access and
> search entires I was so       frustrated that I just restored my most
> recent back-up, from the       night before, and in the process lost
> several hours of editing.        As you commented maybe just one of those
> "one-in-a-million"       chances.  Well, mine makes it a 2 in a million.Â
> After that       happened, I have set a better routine to back-up
> alternating       between 2 files every hour or so, and when I am ready to
> end for       the day I back-up to the oldest file and another file on aÂ
>       (mirrored) drive on my network.  Currently, I am cleaning up data,
>      locations, linked photos, and changing the way I enter burial
>  information.  Needless to say - having over 5000 profiles to
>  suddenly be linked to a location that had nothing to do with their
>  live is, well, let me just say I was not a happy camper, ill is a
>  better description! But, it did get me joined up to this users       group
> where I have gained a lot of good, helpful tools.  Thanks       everybody.
> >
> >       Elizabeth
> >       Born in Alabama, still residing in illinois
> >
> >       On 2/19/2015 1:20 PM, Brian L. Lightfoot wrote:
> >                                                    Iâ?Tm
>  sure this was some random event that can never be duplicated
>  and there is nothing a user can do to avoid it other than a
>  one-in-a-million chance of it happening again. The most
>  important thing is to have a recent backup.         Â          Now,
>      speaking of recent backups, I had another oh-oh moment when
>  I looked in my Data folder and found only one backup from a
>  month ago. I know I have backed up more than that. Seems the
>  most recent update of Legacy also changed my custom Data
>  location back to the default C:\Users\Name\My Documentsâ?¦. I
>  never store any data, whether it be Legacy or any other
>  program on the C: drive. Thatâ?Ts the target of any virus so I
>  move data to a different drive. OK, so Iâ?Tm paranoid. Easy to
>  have a custom location do when your system has 2 terabytes             of
> drive storage. Sitting on my C: drive were 22 backups             which
> were merely copied over to my custom drive             designation. And on
> my next forced backup, I made sure I             changed the location.
> Guess I was too quick to click the             mouse for the past month and
> never noticed the location had             changed. Iâ?Tll watch this on
> the next update to see if it             happens again.         Â
> Brian             in CA         Â          Â          From:
>  Tessa Keough []
> >             Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 8:21 AM
> >             To:
> >             Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Oh-oh!         Â
>               Thanks so much Brian -                 hearing the issue made
> me a bit ill as I don't really                 want to fix my program and I
> expect my data to be right                 where I put it. Another reminder
> to all Legacy users of                 why it is so important to back up
> and have a couple of                 systems in place (extra protection).Â
>                                   Â
> Tessa
>                                        Tessa
>  Keough                                    Guild
>  of One-Name Studies, Keough (Keogh, Kough                           &
> Kehoe) Registered ONS
>  Legacy                           Virtual Users' Group Community on
> Google+                                                     Society
>                    for One-Place Studies - Plate Cove East,
>            NewfoundlandÂ
>                 Â                         On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 7:53 AM,
> Brian               L. Lightfoot <>
>  wrote:                                             This
>  data destruction occurred on its own. I was merely
>  editing a Short Location Name when I noticed the
>  screen blinked and suddenly there were two such
>  locations, one legit and one with the approx. 5,000
>  names.                 Â                  Iâ?Tve                     never
> had it happen before and I doubt if I could                     ever
> duplicate it. I now wonder if I had just exited                     Legacy
> without saving and restarted instead of doing                     a file
> check/repair which seemed to cement the                     erroneous
> locations to the persons. Blame it on the                     solar winds.
>                Â                  While                     in the Master
> Location list, I could easily tag the                     list of 5,000 and
> as suggested could use a split                     screen with a recent
> backup but then I started to                     estimate the time needed
> to wade through such a                     list. I may not live that long.
>                Â                  I                     opted to jump back
> 2 days and use the last back up                     as a starting point.
> Not really all that bad because                     all I did for 2 days
> was to add census images and                     they are still there in
> the media folder.                 Â                  By
>  the way, in case you were wondering, this was v8.                 Â
>           Â                  Brian                     in CA
>  Â                  Â                  From:                     Tessa
> Keough []
> >                     Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 4:22 PM
> >                     To:
> >                     Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Oh-oh!                 Â
>                                                       Does this type of
> thing                         just happen on its own Kathy or Brian OR was
>                        there some type of user error. If it just
>              happens, that doesn't provide a whole lot of
>        confidence as to integrity of the data entered.
>    It is a bit more concerning than oh-oh. Can
>  anyone explain why it happened?
>                Â
> Tessa
>                                    Tessa
>  Keough                                                    Guild
>                        of One-Name Studies, Keough (Keogh,
>                    Kough & Kehoe) Registered ONS
>                                                  Legacy
>                Virtual Users' Group Community on
>        Google+
>                Society                                   for One-Place
> Studies - Plate Cove                                   East, NewfoundlandÂ
>                               Â                                         On
>                      Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Kathy Meyer <
>>                       wrote:
>                                              Soooo
>  sorry to hear this.  Wish I could give advice
>  but I do empathize with you. I had a bunch of
>  marriages duplicated once and had to go                           through
> every one individually.  But at least                           the group
> was able to help me do it                           The fastest way
> possible. Â
> >
> >                               On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Brian L.
>                              Lightfoot <>
>                        wrote:
>                                                I was
>              entering a new location today and
>        jumped into the Master Location List
>      to edit the Short Name Location. But
>    thatâ?Ts when I noticed that there
>  were two identical location with the
>  same name. I clicked on the other                                     one
> and was surprised to see a very                                     large
> list of names associated with                                     that
> locationâ?¦.something that I knew                                     was
> impossible. Then Legacy opened                                     up and
> ERROR window and recommended                                     that I do
> a File Repair. I did that                                     with no other
> warnings, and went                                     back to my list to
> now discover that                                     approximately 5,000
> names have their                                     birth location
> associated with the                                     new location.
>                            Â                                  I donâ?Tt
>                                  know which is easier, go back to a
>                              recent back-up and lose all my work
>                          from the past few days, or tag all
>                      these people with the wrong location
>                    and edit each one individually.
>        Â                                  I think I
>              just take 2 aspirins.                                 Â
>                           Â                                  Brian in CA
> >
> > Legacy User Group guidelines:
> >
> > Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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> >
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