
No one is forcing you to go to Windows 10 from Windows 7. There are ways
to stop being offered Windows 10 but you probably need someone more
familiar with computers to implement them. If they don't know how, they
can Google it.

Legacy 8 installs in a completely different place to Legacy 6 so you can
install the free version and have a look at it without changing anything
in your Legacy 6. Just choose during the install to open the Sample file
rather than your own file and you'll know that nothing has been changed
and you can keep using Legacy 6.

To see your own file in Legacy 8, I think the most stress free so that
you are sure your Legacy 6 file is untouched, is to Restore a backup
file (you do make Legacy backup files don't you?) in Legacy 8.
File - Restore - navigate to where your Legacy backups are and choose
the most recent one and choose to Save it in Documents\Legacy Family
Tree\Data. To make doubly sure you know what it is, you could add an 8
to the name - that's what I do.  Documents\Legacy Family Tree\ folder is
created when you install Legacy 8. This folder can't be renamed or moved
for Legacy 8 to work as it has a folder in it that stores your Legacy
settings. Legacy will say that it needs to convert your file. Just say Yes.

Don't be scared off new versions by talk on mailing lists. You might put
the move off for a month or two but serious bugs affecting lots of
people are dealt with quickly. Do you encounter bugs now? Legacy 6 has
heaps of bugs like all programs but many users never see one.


Barbara Ford wrote:
> Okay, thank you. I have used the Relationship Calculator many times in
> 6.0, but never thought to use it to research a looping problem.
> I was new to Legacy when the first update came after 6.0. Some of the
> technical "talk" on the user group scared me off--I was barely
> understanding 6.0, without trying to think about "new" things and
> potential bugs. Then when I updated my computer to Windows 7, I had
> much, much difficulty getting my Legacy 6.0 to run. Once it was up and
> running successfully, I have been afraid to update Legacy. Now, I'm
> dreading Windows 10. So, I see the handwriting on the wall that I am
> going to have to update Legacy so that I can eventually succumb to the
> forced use of Windows 10. Going from Legacy 6.0, as a non-technical
> person, to the latest version of Legacy, am I going to have a
> nightmare? Will it work well with Windows 7? And am I right that I
> should do that first (updating Legacy) BEFORE I eventually go to
> Windows 10?
> Barbara
>> On Feb 10, 2016, at 3:58 PM,
>> Brian/Support<>  wrote:
>> Yes it is very significant that you are still using Legacy 6.0. Legacy
>> 6.0 does not show Multiple relationships, only the closest is presented
>> on the Family View. Multiple relationships started being displayed in
>> Legacy 7.0.
>> Legacy 6.0 does have a tool which will show multiple relationships
>> though.
>> Go to Tools>  Relationship Calculator
>> Select yourself on the left and the person with the looping problem on
>> the right.
>> Click Calculate Relationships to see something similar to what I
>> described for Legacy 8.0
>> I just noticed an error in the terminology in 6.0. I had a person on the
>> right who was the wife of a great grandson. Legacy 6.0 reported she was
>> the great grandson.
>> Brian
>> Customer Support
>> Millennia Corporation

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