If your settings are disappearing on an update of Legacy 8, it sounds as
if the computer is confused as to where the Documents folder is. If it's
been moved, check that it was moved correctly and is being referenced
correctly all the time. OR you are logging in to two different accounts?
The Legacy settings are held in Documents\Legacy Family Tree\_AppData as
you know so are user account specific.
Steve Hayes wrote:
On 22 Mar 2016 at 18:31, sa...@attglobal.net wrote:
Whenever I update Legacy on my genealogy computer, things go fine.
Then I try
to update it on my general workhorse computer and the settings I have set
disappear, colors, tools, etc. The My Toolbar and other custom
settings are
returned to the defaults. I have to go into my genealogy computer and
the _AppData folder over to my workhorse computer every time there is an
update. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for any help you can give. Elsie
In Legacy 8
Options --> Customize --> 6. Locations
Click "Options for default settings" at the bottom of the screen.
Then "Reset to user defaults". "Yes" and "Save".
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