
The Media Relinker is NOT a recipe for disaster.

It does not AUTO LINK files.

When it finds files of the same name as the one that is missing it PRESENTS them for you to make a choice whether it is the right file in the right folder or the right file in a different folder or the wrong file altogether.

Re the media zip problem with path length.
I don't zip my Legacy Media so I haven't encountered the problem. I backup to an external drive and than copy from the external drive to a new computer and then re-establish the Dropbox link as the media is in Dropbox and it's quicker to copy the files than download them all again from Dropbox.

The only time I use the Legacy Media backup option is if I'm sending part of my file to a cousin and want to send the related media as well. This isn't something I do very often.


Richard Van Wasshnova wrote:


The media relinker seems like a recipe for disaster. If it should find
a file with the right name in some off the wall folder it probably is
not the sane file and I wouldn't want my laptop Legacy to mismatch the
desktop (disaster).

If anyone is creating incomplete media backups due to exceeding the
260 character filepath/name then it is a serious problem. If they only
have Legacy on one computer I don't know they could check for the
problem but they should. Since George does have a 2nd computer with
Legacy it is important to all of us to discover if problem is from
exceeding 260 char.


What if you create a media backup with shorter filename. My default
is: vanwasshnova-media 2016-12-06 9.28.37 but could be
shortened to vw-media at least to try to fit more media
files if not all.


On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Cathy Pinner <
<>> wrote:


First find out where you unzipped your media backup or copied your
media folders to.
Then at Options - Customise 6.2 enter your top media folder
(assuming you have media in a number of sub-folders under one folder)
That may be enough to find all your media re-linked

If not, go to Tools - Media Relinker. It will search your computer
for all media files and then present the ones it finds with the
same names as ones linked to Legacy so that you can confirm
whether or not it has found the right file. If you use the button
that says something like also relink others in this folder, the
task is quicker.


George wrote:


I am still having a problem.

When I followed your instructions to test all media folders, it
me I am missing 8,000 files.


*F rom:*LegacyUserGroup
<>] *On Behalf Of
*Richard Van Wasshnova
*Sent:* December 15, 2016 1:15 PM
*To:* Legacy User Group
*Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Media File Transfer

Hi George,

On your laptop click: Options>Locations>under 6.2 Test all Media

Tic the 2nd box "make a list of missing media" and Proceed.

Are there missing Media files? If not your only problem is the

If there are missing files let us know.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Brian Kelly <
< <>>> wrote:

Since you cannot restore your media files from within Legacy you
cannot be overwriting media. That is why you are not seeing the
warning about overwriting media. The difference in files on the
desktop and the laptop probably means you have media files on the
desktop which are not linked to anything in your file so they are
included in the backup of your Legacy media and were not restored to
the laptop when you extracted the media from your media backup file.

To restore from your media backup you need to use Windows compressed
file tools or another program which can extract files from a .zip
compressed file.

Brian Kelly

On 14-Dec-16 2:07 PM, George wrote:

I purchased a new laptop to take south with me this year. I have
been able
to transfer my data to it with no problem. The first time I
transferred my
media I followed the instructions available on Legacy's site.
seemed to go well. I decided to check the number of items in the
folder on the laptop compared to those on my desktop. I have
about 11,000
items on my desktop but only about 8,000 on the laptop.

Further when I transfer my data file it asks if I want to
overwrite the
existing file, and I say yes and everything seems to be OK with
that part.
However it does not ask me to overwrite the media files. Would this
not put
duplicates in the media file?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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