
> If the translation doesn't improve the OSM data, and you get the source
> planet dump with the translation, what would you do with the translation
> that you couldn't do better with the planet dump?

I guess that is the core of Simon's argument - he fears that in some 
kind of doomsday scenario you would be stranded with only the derived 
product and no access to the real thing, that's why he wants the derived 
product accessible.

I guess the easiest way would then be to leave this to the user: 
*Either* make your derived product so accessible that someone can 
somehow extract data from it, *or* ship the original OSM data from which 
you made your derived product alongside the derived product - whatever 
is easier for you.

(Still an unnecessary complication in my eyes as I could easily 
construct scenarios where this would force someone to produce and ship 
an extra DVD... this whole discussion is, once again, getting into the 
negative, with us discussing all sorts of evil uses that have to be 
safeguarded against by implementing measures that will be a burden to 
everyone, evil or not evil.)


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