On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> Hi,
> Somebody might get interested in having a look at the business idea of
> PublicEarth and their Terms of Use. I feel they won't get very many
> places from me.
> http://publicearth.com/
> http://publicearth.com/terms
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
My look at their business and how it differs from ours is "prettiness" and a 
facebook link.
We have not made anything to charm the facebook generation, preferring people 
with thinking powers and a geeky outlook on life.

My cynicism is of course related to having spent the last week on real world 
politics, including lobbying politicians and the superficial nature of the 
"what will I do this weekend?" on the frontpage is grating.

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