Also interesting to note is that their current (initial?) data set
contains POIs that were seemingly contributed by random (english
sounding) user names. Even in non-english speaking countries most
(all?) contributors have english names. Descriptions are of course in
perfect local (non english) language. In a town with 20 POIs they are
contributed by 18 diferent people, which makes a very low average for
someone getting over the burden of registering to contribute.

Seems to me that they are using crowd sourcing public as a facade to
do their data laundry.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Tim Waters wrote:
>> Then there's the nice issue of making a database from users
>> identifying locations based on Google Maps.
> You mean that issue nobody except OSM seems to care about ;-)
> If they'd be using OSM, would they have to CC-BY-SA all their data? [Is
> that why the aren't?]
> I don't think the business will fly but it's worth a try. It's one of
> these things that I'd never attempt because I'd think it is so obvious
> how I'm trying to siphon off community knowledge and not let the
> community use that knowledge - but quite a few businesses thrive on that
> and I can literally hear armies of PublicEarth fanboys cry out "how cool
> is that!". Bet they have some kind of iPhone app to go along with it.
> Bye
> Frederik
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