On 13/07/2010, at 10:47 PM, Richard Weait wrote:
> Anybody who can suggest a way to accurately predict the
> user numbers and data % and location and the extent where blank spots
> might arise should help us to allay these fears.  But I think that
> there are simply too many variables to predict the future in a
> sensible way.

I agree that the only way were going to find out is by actually getting people 
to agree/disagree to ODbL+CTs. Personally I think sooner is better, since not 
knowing means people may be either holding off doing some work or doing work 
that ends up not able to be used.

It's also worth remembering that it's not simply a X% of data is kept  
and100-X% of data is removed thing. If for example an object is currently at 
version 6 and the first four editors agree it could be reverted to version 4. 
Exactly how that works with data consistency I don't know (relation members 
disappearing, or reverting nodes that were later made part of a way).
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