On 09/04/2010 12:17 PM, Ed Avis wrote:
Frederik Ramm<frede...@...>  writes:

"If it was intended for the extraction of the original data, then it is
a database and not a Produced Work. Otherwise it is a Produced Work."

I wonder if a Garmin map would really count as a database. The purpose
of the GMAPSUPP.IMG file is to display the map on the Garmin device.

(A Garmin map might or might not be a map. I suspect it is a map, but it's an interesting case and I recommend asking odc-discuss.)

Raster map tiles (e.g. SVG) would also be an interesting case.

SVG is a vector file format. A raster map tile would be a PNG.

In either case they are produced works as they extract a small amount of data from the database and add some new stuff in order to make something intended to be used visually.

There is so much ambiguity about 'produced works' and 'derived databases' that 
would be far better for the licence to state some example cases directly, rather
than require clarifications hosted on the OSM wiki pages (!).

They are novel concepts so good examples will help people to understand them, yes. These should be on the wiki rather than in the licence, though. Licences don't usually get to interpret themselves. :-)

- Rob.

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