On 24 September 2010 12:10, David Dean <dd...@ieee.org> wrote:
> Grant,
> On 24 September 2010 20:21, Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:
>> Ordnance Survey's OpenData license specifically allows sub-licensing,
>> restricted by the need for attribution. There isn't a conflict with
>> the 'free and open licence' when section 4 (attribution) is taken into
>> account.
> Section 4 only ensures that OSM provide attribution, not that the end
> user of the OpenData data in OSM has to.
> For example, hypothetically a 2/3 majority of OSMers could vote for
> CC0 under the CTs, but this would not be compatible for OpenData as
> the end-user publishers of the CC0 OSM data would not be obliged to
> attribute either OSM or OpenData.

Yes, in this hypothetical future scenario we would no longer be
compatible (in my view) with the OpenData License. I simply don't see
the OSMF + Community putting such a scenario forward without them
first sorting out the issue.


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