On 11/17/2010 05:43 PM, Ed Avis wrote:

Yes, this is one of the more unpleasant aspects of the licence, at least under
some interpretations.  It's allowed to make proprietary, all-rights-reserved
map renderings, but if you want to produce a truly CC-licensed or public domain
one you can't.  (This refers to the no-tracing restrictions; an attribution
requirement is more reasonable.)

You can produce CC-licensed work from ODbL/DbCL data.

One of the main problems with the proposed ODbL/DbCL setup is that it's pretty
murky what is allowed and what isn't allowed; and also quite unclear whether the

It is more clear that the ODbL allows what OSM wish to allow than BY-SA does.

I don't personally agree with the consensus on mash-ups, but it is clearly realised by the ODbL.

things that are disallowed are truly enforceable, or just magic text which has
no real weight.  If OSM itself produced a public domain tileset, the clarity of
the action would compensate a bit for the uncertainty of the licence; it would
be clear for all that rendered map tiles can be distributed under any terms.

That's a reasonable point. But it would upset the copyleft proponents.

Like me. ;-)

Btw: isn't a rendering a derived database as well?

Quite possibly.

No, it's a derived work. The definitions in the ODbL make this reasonably clear.

- Rob.

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