----- Original Message ----- From: "Grant Slater" <openstreet...@firefishy.com> To: "Licensing and other legal discussions." <legal-talk@openstreetmap.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Someone already had a look at the Bing

On 19 December 2010 16:53, David Groom <revi...@pacific-rim.net> wrote:
Have you read? Microsoft mention a whole lot more than what link to....
Try the google cache version: http://bit.ly/eUjkKS

Yes Grant, I have read both of those, in particular the statement on both
which says "To learn more and see the full terms of use, please see the
Maps Imagery Editor license."

And the "Bing Maps Imagery Editor license" link points to the
OpenGeoData blog post which has the license + downloadable PDF.

Therefore to comment on the terms of use I decided to refer to the
and not the blog posts you refer to, since the blogs tell me to refer to

Download the license from the OpenGeoData post, it is called ""Bing
Maps Imagery Editor API License FINAL.pdf"

As far as I can see that document is the same as the one I was referring to.

What you link to in [3] is Bing's standard terms for everyone else...
Not what applies for OSM.

Could you please refer me to the source for why these terms do not apply
OSM? Particularly in view of the fact that, as I referred to earlier, in
the Bing Maps Imagery Editor license it says the terms do apply (see

Open JOSM or Potlatch2, the Terms-Of-Use link that is specified is:
And sure, this should be more explict.

That's what I'm saying. As far as I can see the licence does not state that derived works can me made from Bing imagery.

We have permission to derive NEW works from their imagery on condition
that the new works go into OSM.

Good, please show me where this is clearly stated. Then we can end the

Better detailed here:

Now I see where your coming from. Its OK to use all imagery, even Google, we don't actually need a licence. Which is an interesting argument, though completely irrelevant to the question of whether Microsoft have actually granted us a licence to derive data from their imagery.

And now add to that we have explit permission to use the imagery....

I've repeatedly asked where is the explicit permission to use Bing Imagery to create derived works, all the only answer is "we have it". As I've said before if its there please show us where it is.

What appears to me to have been granted is as follows:


From Section 2 of the licence[1]

"Right to use: Subject to your compliance with this agreement, you may develop or host an Application", as an end user I'm neither deveoping nor hosting an application, so its possible this licence doesn't apply to me.

So under the licence the developers of JOSM are allowed to incorporate Bing Imagery, hoever they may do so only in accordance with section 6 of the Licence which states that an end user (eg me, and the majority of OSM contributors) must comply with the Bing maps TOU [2], and those TOU prohib the creation of derived works without prior wrtten consent.

Result: its OK to develop JOSM, potlatch et all, so that they show Bing imagery, but the end user cant use it for tracing.


The licence [1] does apply to end users

section 2 of the licence says its OK for an application to dispaly Bing imagery. I use JOSM it can display Bing imagery, there is no problem.

section 2 of the licence says any updates I make using the application (JOSM) have to be contributed back to openstreetmap.

That's all it says. It says nothing about using Bing Imagery to create derived works. You are infering that because the licence says that updates I make using JOSM have to be contributed back to OSM then those updates would have come from tracing from Bing, and so the implication is its OK to trace from Bing.


In fact, as I have also pointed out before, it is unclear that Bing Maps
Imagery Editor license actually apply to end users anyway, in which case
only bit applicable to end users is [3] which says deriving works is not

See above.

/ Grant

[1] downlaod available at http://opengeodata.org/microsoft-imagery-details
[2] http://www.microsoft.com/maps/assets/docs/terms.aspx

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