On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Joao Neto <joao.p.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Great points Anthony. Thanks for sharing!
> To be honest I think the share-alike aspect of the license is too
> restrictive and working against the project. The most successful projects in
> the open source / community space all seem to have a very healthy balance
> between individual contribution and private contribution/investment. I think
> the share-alike requirement is killing the potential for growing a private
> ecosystem. In my opinion there aren't that many sustainable business models
> in this space where companies can freely share their data. If you do that,
> then eventually someone will copy your data and business model. With your
> "differentiation factor" gone, you'll be out of business pretty soon.

I think the same could be said of Wikipedia, and in fact there are
very few companies successfully making a business model out of taking
Wikipedia content.  Of course, that doesn't seem to be hurting
Wikipedia, which is a project to create a free encyclopedia, not a
project to help people make money off their non-free encyclopedias.

Likewise, OSM is, or at least was, a project to make a free editable
map of the world, not a project to help people make money off their
non-free maps of the world.

Unlike some in the OSM community I don't think there's anything wrong
with you wanting to make a profit off your maps and/or map data.  But
I also don't think helping you do so is any part of the goal of the
OSM project.

Fortunately for you OSM is changing to a license which is much more
favorable for exploitation by businesses.  Ask this question again in
a few months when and if the project has adopted the ODbL.

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