Hi All,

This has come up before. HOT is part of a pilot for the initiative
"Imagery to the Crowd" (1). Representatives of HOT and the US
Government met multiple times in all day meetings to discuss what the
NextView license means as well as to have the vectors available under
ODbL. The legal interpretation by the US government lawyers of their
own license was that the initial use of the imagery needed to be for
humanitarian use, but it was fine for there also to be commercial use.
So basically they can't give the OSM community the imagery to digitize
for an initially commercial reason, but the vectors can stay in OSM
under ODbL no problem beyond that.


(1) https://hiu.state.gov/ittc/ittc.aspx

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 4:06 AM, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com> wrote:
>> From: Stephan Knauss [mailto:o...@stephans-server.de]
>> Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Imagery license clarification needed
>> Not understanding what the definition of LIDP is makes it so difficult
>> for me to understand the license.
>> Martin replied earlier and he did interpret it as not suitable for OSM.
> You can't really interpret part of a license. LIDP is probably a term
> defined elsewhere. I doubt a tracing is a LIDP, on the other hand, I don't
> see permission for non-literal imagery derived products (IDPs).
>> > Can you provide the full license so that we can see what the classify
>> > tracings as?
>> Unfortunately that was all license text available. It comes from HOT
>> context. I noticed that a lot of imagery and data available for that
>> humanitarian context comes with a clear non-commercial clause.
> I checked the HOT tasking manager and the license presented to users can
> be found at http://tasks.hotosm.org/license/1 (OSM OAuth signin required)
> but the usage terms refer to the "NextView (NV) License)" and it's not
> clear if that's the same as the usage terms.
> I've cc'ed hot@ because they should be able clear up these confusions.
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