keep in mind our coalition has *all* shades of progressives in it.


Petition for the Canadian government

We the undersigned extend our sympathy to the families and friends of the
victims who have died in the attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade
Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC.

We Are Opposed To:
 The US military carrying out any military action any country- Iraq,
Afghanistan or any other sovereign state.
 The racist backlash sweeping across our communities and the media’s compliance
with and promotion of racism.
 Any attacks on the civil liberties of the people of the United States and in
Canada. The state of emergency in the United States and Canada’s impending
passing of Bill C-16 must be stopped.
 All changes to the immigration laws that further restrict the movement of
human beings here to Canada. Refugee laws should not be tightened.

We Believe:
 Any attempt to end such attacks cannot be achieved through military means. You
cannot bomb alleged terrorists. You will only create more sympathy for such
 Racism is not born, it is created. The major media and the governments of both
Canada and the United States are creating a nightmarish existence and climate of
violence, hatred and fear for all the people of colour who live here in North
 Any resolution of the current crisis means re-evaluation of American and
Canadian foreign policies, which provide a climate for the growth of virulent

We Demand:
 That no bombing, invasion or any military action be undertaken by the
government of Canada. The Canadian government must immediately declare that it
will not participate in any military action directed at any country.
 That the media and our government cease propagating racism and xenophobia.
 The defence of all communities coming under attack due to the racist backlash
of the recent attacks in New York and Washington DC.
 That diplomatic means and International law be used to resolve guilt for the
attackers of the World Trade Centre and Washington DC.
 The cancellation of any and all Bills that would restrict civil liberties must
take place now.

>From Mobilisation Against War and Racism.

Macdonald Stainsby
Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.
Leninist-International: Building bridges in the tradition of V.I. Lenin.
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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