Perhaps the final demand should state: "That any and all Bills that would restrict 
liberty be cancelled now."  ( It simply uses the same structure as the other demands 
-- and
thus is stronger.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Macdonald Stainsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rad Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Leninist International"
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:22 AM
Subject: [L-I] rough copy....any suggestions?

> keep in mind our coalition has *all* shades of progressives in it.
> Macdonald
> ---------
> Petition for the Canadian government
> We the undersigned extend our sympathy to the families and friends of the
> victims who have died in the attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade
> Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC.
> We Are Opposed To:
>  The US military carrying out any military action any country- Iraq,
> Afghanistan or any other sovereign state.
>  The racist backlash sweeping across our communities and the media’s compliance
> with and promotion of racism.
>  Any attacks on the civil liberties of the people of the United States and in
> Canada. The state of emergency in the United States and Canada’s impending
> passing of Bill C-16 must be stopped.
>  All changes to the immigration laws that further restrict the movement of
> human beings here to Canada. Refugee laws should not be tightened.
> We Believe:
>  Any attempt to end such attacks cannot be achieved through military means. You
> cannot bomb alleged terrorists. You will only create more sympathy for such
> actions.
>  Racism is not born, it is created. The major media and the governments of both
> Canada and the United States are creating a nightmarish existence and climate of
> violence, hatred and fear for all the people of colour who live here in North
> America.
>  Any resolution of the current crisis means re-evaluation of American and
> Canadian foreign policies, which provide a climate for the growth of virulent
> opposition.
> We Demand:
>  That no bombing, invasion or any military action be undertaken by the
> government of Canada. The Canadian government must immediately declare that it
> will not participate in any military action directed at any country.
>  That the media and our government cease propagating racism and xenophobia.
>  The defence of all communities coming under attack due to the racist backlash
> of the recent attacks in New York and Washington DC.
>  That diplomatic means and International law be used to resolve guilt for the
> attackers of the World Trade Centre and Washington DC.
>  The cancellation of any and all Bills that would restrict civil liberties must
> take place now.
> From Mobilisation Against War and Racism.
> -------------------------------------------
> Macdonald Stainsby
> Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.
> ----
> Leninist-International: Building bridges in the tradition of V.I. Lenin.
> ----
> In the contradiction lies the hope.
>                                      --Bertholt Brecht
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