[the Guardian]
IMF warns of global recession

Staff and agencies
Wednesday September 26, 2001

The International Monetary Fund today warned of a serious global
economic slowdown because of the fallout from the attacks on the US.
But the world's leading economic institution insisted that world
recession could still be avoided by aggressive government policy
actions to stimulate growth. The IMF chief economist, Kenneth Rogoff,
initially said a recession in the America was a "done deal."

He subsequently tempered his remark by adding that it was still too
early to tell whether the September11 attacks would push the already
weak US economy into a full blown recession. Mr Rogoff said the real
question was whether the US had entered a sustained recession or would
bounce back quickly. He argued that there was every reason to believe
the US economy would recover quickly next year because of the Federal
Reserve's interest rate cuts and congressional approval of extra
public spending.

The global economy was already teetering on the brink of recession
because of a longer-than-expected slowdown in the US and weakness
around the world, the IMF said in its latest World Economic Outlook

Even before the terrorist assault, the IMF had slashed its global
growth forecast for 2001 to just 2.6%, the poorest showing since 1993
and down 0.6% from a May forecast of 3.2% growth. In the view of
economists, global growth below 2.5% constitutes a growth recession
because economic activity at that pace is too feeble to keep
unemployment from rising substantially in parts of the world with high
population growth.

The IMF said that even its reduced figure of 2.6% may not be met
because of the severity of the fallout from the terrorist attack,
which had a "a negative effect on activity now in many regions of the

The IMF compared the attacks to the costliest natural disaster in
modern history, the earthquake in Kobe, Japan in 1995, when over 6,400
people died and property damage reached $120bn, or about 2.5% of
Japan's gross domestic product. But the total effect of the terrorist
attacks on the US economy could be more far-reaching, particularly if
shaken consumer confidence does not rebound, the Fund said.

"Since the terrorist attack was a deliberate action with long-term
security implications, the effects on consumer psychology may well not
be comparable," the IMF said. "There is now no major region providing
support to global activity. This has increased the vulnerability of
the global economy to shocks and heightened the risk of a
self-reinforcing downturn whose consequences could prove difficult to

For the US, the IMF projected 1.3% growth this year, 0.2% lower than
its May forecast. For 2002, the IMF forecast US growth would rebound
slightly to 2.2%, well short of 4.1% growth in 2000.

The IMF's outlook for Japan was even gloomier. Japan is probably
already in its fourth recession of the decade, the IMF said, as it
projected that the world's second-largest economy would shrink by 0.5%
this year and manage only a 0.2% gain in 2002.

For Germany, Europe's largest economy, the IMF put growth this year at
0.8%, 1.1% below its May projection. It forecast Germany would grow by
1.8% next year. The forecast for UK growth, at 2% this year, is close
to consensus forecasts.

Macdonald Stainsby
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