En relación a [L-I] Re: Thousands of Palestinians rally for bin,
el 10 Oct 01, a las 14:42, magellan dijo:
Jared, my dear friend and comrade:

> >> << "Hamas hails bin Laden," protesters chanted. >>
> >>
> >> Music to the CIA's ears.
> >>


> >
> >Certainly. But at the same time something that would scare the most
> intelligent
> >ones in America. I mean, the menace of an Arab world in open revolt cannot
> be dismissed. They are walking on VERY thin ice now.

Roberto, my dear friend and comrade:

> I agree with you all, but I must stress the unique importance of these
> demonstrations:  they are not only  Palestinians, not only Arabian but they are
> gradually spreading by the _whole_  Islamic world.


"I agree... _but_"?  Don't understand the adversative particle. Lest we are
somehow Internet-deaf, the idea is that it is the imperialists who are walking
on thin ice, and that in fact their risk is precisely what Roberto has

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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