Jared wrote:

> They are a weapon that was forged by the most reactionary forces in the world
> to quite literally cut the balls of the progressive government that
> apparently my dear friend Nestor has forgotten did indeed exist in the Muslim
> country of Afghanistan.

We all know of the existence of the People's Party of Afghanistan, and I like to
remind people that it first came to power without Soviet tanks, but rather
through an organically grown coup inside Afghanistan ("The April Revolution").
That all said, one could do well to look through eyes of "Fundamentalist
strategy- vs Fundamentalist tactics". These people make little sense to us, but
that is our folly- not theirs. We must be good at learning, rather than issuing
endless statements "against" or "for".

The strategy was and is the expulsion of outside forces- not simply imperialist
forces, because in this expulsion strategy I do indeed include the USSR- through
making deals with infidels to defeat the immediate enemy in much the same
fashion as the CP's of the world made a deal with thbe imperialists in America
and Britain to defeat the immediate enemy (the Nazis) in WWII.

After that unholy alliance was no longer mutually beneficial, the breakdown
occured. Yes, the strength of the military/terror organising (etc.) of the Al
Qaeda and Taliban (and many others in the area) were initially built up by the
American CIA. They however, were not developed and created, their *strength*
was- but not their motivation. These people, anti-worker and anti-woman that
they are- are carrying on a fight that was (it seems) never in doubt to begin
with. One can find many references to the fact that they called for the "Death
to America" along with the USSR during the first go around in
Afghanistan/Pakistan. It isn't new. It just never dialectically rose to the
point of the main contradiction for imperialist rule before.

So yes, they were nurtured to kill Soviets and progressives, but that nurturing
never rid them of the same desire towards Americans, who were also nurtured
right back by these types: In order for short term weaponry and military help.
That is now long over.

If anything has been well-demonstrated, it is that these people are not puppets
but the height of opportunists. Any and all measures to the strategic
orientation of expelling the outsiders- that was the American "truce" of the
80's: Simply a tactic. And they gained coontrol of Afghanistan, so it obviously
was a successful orientation on their part.


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