En relación a Re: [L-I] Thousands of Palestinians rally for bin,
el 11 Oct 01, a las 8:16, Macdonald Stainsby dijo:

> I expected Nestor, upon picking up this thread, would do one of his best
> points: Nailing people for their grossly over simplistic use of the term
> fascist. I am really stressed at the number of people casually using this term
> to describe Islamic anti-imperialists. They are brutal, patriarchal, all that-
> but please,! don't casually toss about this word as if it were a swear to
> throw at nasty people in nasty regimes. The fascists are starting to show
> themselves in Washington, DC and Ottawa.... check out the new immigration
> policy, the "terror" legislation and ask who really runs the deal... and who
> is invading a sovereign country.

It is too late tonight, and I have had a very long day's work, so a detailed
answer will have to wait.

But I would like to comment, as a forerunner, that any serious imperial power
manages to build up a whole political arch in the subjected country. That is,
the idea is to block any way out of the hellish circle of the pro-imperialist
parties. A very important parcel of this arch is, grimly enough, the "pro-
imperialist anti-imperialisms".  There are many varieties of these, from the
"leftists" to the "rightists". On the former I have dealt up to boredom on the
lists, so that it would be important to state that I have a lot to say on the
latter, too.

We Argentinean serious radicals are, by definition, professional haters of the
British Empire, because the construction that the British imperialists built
here was almost (almost?) perfect. We know them too well, for our disgrace. So
that I will give an Argentinean example which, in my view, can be displayed as
an _Idealtypus_ of the construction of a semicolonial political Catch 22.

While the "leftist pro-imperialist anti-imperialists" cater to the
"progressive" side of the society, there are other kind of "pro-imperialist
anti-imperialists", who were known here as the "Nacionalistas" (BTW, this is
why radical and socialist patriotism in Argentina was forced to generate a new
category, that of "nacionales", so that there would be no doubt as to our
radical opposition to the ideas of these "Nacionalistas").

These "Nacionalistas", on which I will expand further on another posting, were
a central piece in the imperialist-oligarchic structure. They catered to the
reactionary layers of the higher and middle classes, and imposed their ideology
on tracts of the working class. In the crucial moments, they sided with no
exception with the remaining forces of the pro-imperialist bloc. It was a
"nacionalista" group who made the coup against Perón in 1955. It was
"nacionalistas" who launched the two only pogroms in Argentina (around 1910).
It was "nacionalistas" who made the coup against Yrigoyen in 1930. It was
"nacionalistas" who organized the assault groups who tried to divert Peronism
towards anti-Semitism during the 60s. It was "nacionalistas" who formed the
civilian nucleus of the Task Forces of Videla and Co. It was "nacionalistas",
to sum it up, who provided the "patriotic" support that imperialism required in

There is a lot in common between our "nacionalistas" and groups such as the
ones Macdonald considers "anti-imperialist" in today's Middle East. They are
not revolutionaries, not anti-imperialists at all. True, parcels of the masses
in the Middle East follow them due to their "anti-imperialist" positions. But
it is not from that leadership that a truly anti-imperialist movement will be
built. At most, it will be built against that leadership.

In fact, this is exactly what happened with Perón in 1945. But will tell this
story later on, I am very tired now.

I just want to stress that my evaluation of Bin Laden and his similars in the
Arab world does not equate them with any kind of anti-imperialist.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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