Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Feb. 20, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Sara Flounders

One of Secretary of State Colin Powell's justifications for a
devastating U.S. attack on Iraq is that country's support for the
Palestinian struggle for self-determination and a homeland.

In his 90-minute presentation to the United Nations Security
Feb. 5 Powell said: "Iraq and terrorism go back decades. Baghdad
trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and
explosives. Saddam uses the Arab Liberation Front to funnel money
to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers in order to prolong
the intifada. And it's no secret that Saddam's own intelligence
service was involved in dozens of attacks or attempted
assassinations in the 1990s."

Powell's effort to paint the Palestinian struggle as a
terrorist organization is meant to politically delegitimize the
heroic Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

This labeling of the Palestinian resistance as terrorism is no
Powell was presenting the U.S. justification for destroying Iraq.
including Iraq's support of the Palestinian struggle against
occupation among the charges, Powell demonstrated U.S.
imperialism's broader strategic goals in the region.

Much more than seizing Iraqi oil is at stake. It is clear that
imperialism's goal is to pacify and politically transform the

The Bush administration intends to use the war against Iraq as an
to eliminate every form of resistance in the Middle East.

What is the greatest impediment to U.S. plans to conquer the
region? It is the fact that millions of people throughout the Arab
Islamic world deeply support and identify with the Palestinian
This struggle has survived the most onerous conditions, and it has
inspired generations of militants to resist imperialist control.
the 1958 overthrow of the U.S./British-backed Iraqi monarchy, Iraq
has supported the Palestinian struggle.

Every Arab government gives at least nominal support to the
Palestinian struggle, because the Palestinians' heroic resistance
is a living issue among the masses. In order to gain compliance
among Arab states for the 1991 U.S. war against Iraq, Washington
promised to broker an historic compromise that would lead to at
least a nominal Palestinian state. This came to be known as the
Oslo Accords.

Despite years of talks and a few minimal gains for the Palestinian
movement, Israeli settlements doubled. Constant land confiscations
repression led to a new Palestinian uprising, or Intifada, that
began in
September 2000.

Today, Israel's colonial-style occupation of the West Bank and
Gaza has strangled the Palestinian economy. Through a system of
road closures and walls, the whole population is locked down into

Now U.S. imperialism has signaled the Israeli government of war
criminal Ariel Sharon that the war against Iraq is an opportunity
for new, possibly far worse repression and expulsions of
Palestinian people.


Even with murky slides and dubious audiotapes, Powell's war talk
at the UN presented little that was new or even original. The
"irrefutable and undeniable" evidence that supposedly represented
the latest declassified secret revelations from U.S. and British
sources was actually a plagiarized cut-and-paste rehash of
years-old academic articles posted on web sites.

While Powell and President George W. Bush reiterated their charges
that bombed, sanctioned and surrounded Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction, the Feb. 2 New York Times described the blitzkrieg of
more than 3,000 bombs and missiles that would rip into Iraq in the
first 48 hours of a U.S. attack.

One Pentagon official said: "There will not be a safe place in
Baghdad. The sheer size of this has never been seen before, never

The plan for destruction is called "Shock and Awe."

One military planner explained, "You have this simultaneous
rather like nuclear weapons at Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks
in minutes." This description was printed three days before
Powell's UN talk charging new evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass

Labeling the Palestinian resistance as terrorism is the same
upside-down reality as Washington claiming that Iraq threatens the
world with
weapons of mass destruction. It is Israeli military
equipped and politically supported by Washington--that are today
inflicting a campaign of mass terror on the Palestinian people.
of Palestinian leaders have been victims of Israeli targeted
assassinations from U.S.-supplied Apache attack helicopters. This
publicly acknowledged and accompanies a policy of mass arrests,
torture and closures.

Palestinians living within the 1948 borders of Israel, although
nominally Israeli citizens, are denied the right to buy land or
work at
many jobs. They are paid far less and are forced to live under
scrutiny and discrimination. They are the remnants of the hundreds
thousands of Palestinians driven out of historic Palestine through
campaign of systematic terror and land expropriation.

While declaring Iraq to be in material breach of UN resolutions,
United States has never proposed any action against the state of
for flouting literally hundreds of UN resolutions passed over the
years since the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their land in

But as U.S. oil and military corporations lay out their plans for
longterm occupation of Iraq and its fabulously rich oil fields,
should look again at the Israeli army of occupation in the West
Bank and Gaza. Even using the most brutal tactics of mass
deportations, uprooting and imprisoning tens of thousands of
people, they have never been able to destroy the Palestinian
determination to resist.

The strains of keeping an Israeli army of colonial occupation
mobilized have created deep divisions and growing opposition
within Israel--even within the military. And there is no end in

In the past two years of the new Intifada, the Palestinian
struggle for
justice and self-determination has gained wider support, including
among many Jews. Millions of young people in the United States,
Europe and Latin America now identify deeply with the resistance.

Bush faces massive world opposition on the eve of war. U.S.
occupation in Iraq will prove even more costly and divisive. The
thin and wavering support will crumble as millions of people come
to understand the enormous cost of U.S. imperialism's reactionary
plan for the entire region.

The broad world movement that has mobilized to oppose the criminal
U.S. war against Iraq will be strengthened by linking up and
defending the Palestinian people's decades-long struggle for
justice and self-

- END -

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Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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