Maybe the Green Party honchos feel that, with the overwhelming majoority of U.S. 
politicians talking about Palestinians like Father Coughlin used to talk about Jews, 
they're being courageous by placing the blame for the violence in occupied Palestine 
mainly on the Israelis. But, especially given what they acknowledge about the reality 
of the situation, there's no justification for their unctuous preaching to the 
Palestinian people to "refrain from violence" to "set a moral example and higher 
standard than their occupiers, which will [do they really believe this???] engender 
the respect and unequivocal support of the international community [of imperialists 
and their clients?]"

I believe that this Green Party organization (or is it another one) calls for only a 
50% cut in the U.S. military budget, which would leave it at a couple of hundred 
billion dollars per annum. One hundredth of one percent of that amount would buy the 
Palestinians more stones than they could possibly use, even if every one of them 
became a full-time stone-thrower.

It's obvious that the Green politicians are torn between not alienating people who are 
looking for an honest alternative and not alienating pro-Israel Jews among their 
supporters. May these opportunist cowards wind up suffering the anal discomfort that 
such fence-sitting merits.

 - Aaron

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From: Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: US Green Party Statement on Middle East
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 22:59:07 -0500 (CDT)


The Association of State Green Parties, USA (ASGP) condemns the ongoing violence 
between Palestinians and Israelis.  The ASGP supports recent UN Security Council 
Resolution 1322, which deplores Israeli provocation at Haram Al-Sharif and condemns 
the excessive use of force against Palestinians.  According to ASGP Steering Committee 
Co-Chair Tom Sevigny, The Green Party opposes violence by either Israelis or 
Palestinians.   However, by supporting this UN resolution, we acknowledge the greater 
responsibility of Israel for the conflict both in this immediate crisis and in Israels 
continuing history of non-compliance with international law and UN resolutions. There 
can be neither justice nor an enduring peace for Palestinians or Israelis as long as 
international law and human rights are not strictly observed.

In advocating a resolution to the PalestinianIsraeli conflict, the ASGP reaffirms the 
Green Partys commitment to non-violence. According to ASGP Coordinating Committee 
member Dean Myerson, We acknowledge that Israels continued military occupation of 
Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem constitutes a clear violation of Palestinian 
human rights under international law and numerous UN resolutions.  However, we urge 
Palestinians--especially in response to provocations like those by Ariel Sharon and 
Israeli settlers--to refrain from violence and to protest their injustice by mass 
non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation, as well as by empowering leaders 
who support such non-violent acts of liberation. In doing so, Palestinians set a moral 
example and higher standard than their occupiers, which will engender the respect and 
unequivocal support of the international community.

Israels ongoing occupation of Palestinian land embodies a fundamental challenge to 
international peace in this era.  As ASGP International Committee member Justine 
McCabe said,  Will the world that witnessed the last gasps of colonialism, the horror 
of genocides and atomic bombs, begin the new millennium by affirming international law 
which prohibits the acquisition of territory by force?  Or will it step back into 19th 
century consciousness where might made right? Its important to remember that the 
international interdiction against acquiring territory by force applies regardless of 
how a conflict started or was conducted.  It also stipulates that military occupation 
is always temporary and never becomes legal through force or duration.  These 
universal principles concerning belligerent occupation are also recognized in the UN 
Charter and are reflected in UN Security Council Resolutions 237 and 242 which call 
for Israeli withdrawal from land seized in 1967 as the basis for a !
just peace.

The ASGP also calls attention to the rights of Palestinians to return to their homes, 
to reclaim their property and to be compensated for their losses, rights which are 
unconditional and guaranteed by the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UN 
General Assembly Resolutions 194, reaffirmed every year since 1948.

The ASGP acknowledges the intrinsic limitations of the Oslo peace process as currently 
constituted.  Given irrefutable guarantees in international law for Israeli and 
Palestinian human rights, ASGPs Tom Sevigny stated,  Its significant that the very 
mechanism for achieving peace, the Oslo Process, has ignored international law, which 
is the only equitable basis for resolving ethnic conflict. Instead, Oslo has been 
subject to inherent biases that are antithetical to international law.  It privileges 
Israeli goals and needs at the expense of inalienable Palestinian rights to 
self-determination, political and economic freedom and return of refugees.

Therefore, the Association of State Green Parties, USA calls on the US Government to 
commit to the following propositions, and to stop all further aid to Israel until it 
also adheres to them:

*Peace negotiations must be re-established based on equality of the two parties before 
international law.  Thus, adherence to international law and the inalienability of the 
human rights of Israelis and Palestinians must be the foundation for continuing peace 

*Jerusalem must be a shared city, open to all, without exclusive claims to national 
sovereignty or religion.  A solution for Jerusalems status must be negotiated that 
respects the human rights of both Palestinians and Israelis, as well as the rights of 
the three religious communities for whom Jerusalem is sacred.   Until such time, the 
US embassy should not be moved to Jerusalem.

*Israel must withdraw from all lands acquired since 1967, including East Jerusalem, 
Gaza and the West Bank.

*Palestinian refugees inalienable rights to return to their homes and to receive 
material compensation for their losses must be honored.

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