To the remaining list moderators....
I would argue that this search for list purity of purpose is the prime
destroyer of lists.    Not flame wars.

I happen to share the opinions expressed by Mark about the phobic iSWor/
Kagarlitsky crowd.      I find their desire to trumpet within the Left
of the  imperialist bloc countries a hysterical fear that a Russian 'Red
-Brown' uprising is the  world's greatest menace, to be thoroughly
repugnant and reactionary. 

To be totally blunt, iSWor is an effort to get the Left of the
imperialist countries mobilized into support of direct imperialist
interventionism against Russia.     And Meyers/ Kagarlitsky find support
in places like Znet, Green Left Weekly, Socialist Action, and many other
Left political parties and forums.

So why on earth would the moderators of L-I want to expel this tendency
off the list where they can be easily (and willingly!) confronted?
And debated in front of a fairly neutral forum?

I've heard this line spouted so many times in Left circles that it makes
me ill.      It goes like this....

((((They have the right to argue their point of view, but they should do
it in the 'right' way.     By their actions they brought this down on

Now, to answer Mark's question.     No, Mark, you would not be welcome
on the Solidarity list.     And neither am I.    But they have neither
thrown me out of Solidarity, nor off the list.    And I frequently, and
most vociferously, deride the fact that Solidarity has devolved from a
Leninist foundaion, into ANTI-Leninism today.

Moderators of this list should provide the same grudging courtesy to
Steve and Owen that Solidarity has shown itself capable of providing to
me.      Lord knows they hate doing it.

Let them talk up their positions in their own style as they will, and
then respond as was being done most effectively by several commentators
before this breakdown began.

I suggest an amnesty be declared.

Tony Abdo  

<So why on earth should he (Kagarlitsky) be a benchmark for debate HERE?
Solidarity is and ANTI-leninist organisation. Why should its views also
reign supreme HERE? >  Mark

I would urge the moderators to control their 'piss', and resub these 3

<Why? As you say, they have other platforms. Would I be welcome on the
solidarity list?> 

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