Only today (due to PC-problems) I find an opportunity to take a stand on what 
follows concerning the CPRF (here I don't want to comment on the 'case' 
of Johannes). I find that M.J's position is entirely defeatist: If I get him 
right he says, 1. we must not blame a party which carries the name of 
'communism' for not being communist but reformist, and 2. that anyway it doesn't 
make any difference for the revolutionary process if there is a revolutionary 
mass party or non, since there is no objective chance for a revolution. To my 
mind this amounts to rejecting Leninism (and therefore of course Marxism) 
interely. It says that imperialism is not characterized as the epoch of decay of 
capitalism and therefore of revolution, and it flatly denies the historical 
responsablity of the revolutionary party (one of Lenin's crucial legacies). M.J. 
may be right, but if he is Leninism is reduntant, and a 'Leninist'-list 

Mark Jones schrieb:
> Yoshie:
> >  we don't want to lose someone like Johannes
> > from the list, do we?  He's on the side of anti-imperialism.
> >
> > >ONE part is revolutionary and
> > >wishes to overthrow capitalism; the other is accommodationist and has no
>  such
> > >intention.
> >
> > The problem is that the CPRF has & will accommodate itself to
> > Yeltsin, Putin, etc., remaining a "responsible" opposition, to borrow
> > Zyuganov's own words.
> Yoshie, I didn't expel Johannes or ask him to leave, so you're talking to the
>  wrong
> person. As for the cprf, why is it any more a problem that it is a reformist
>  not a
> revolutionary party than is the case with any mass electoral party anywhere on
> earth? Russia is a normal capitalist country at least in the sense that there
>  is
> simply no social space nor historical opportunity for a mass revolutionary
>  party
> there. It is simply fantasy to suppose that the kprf could be other than it
>  is, and
> still be permitted to exist. *THAT* is the problem. We do not live in an era
>  of
> revolution. It is useless to waste time excoriating Zyuganov for being what he
> cannot help being. The idea that if Zyuganov was a little more honest,
>  bolshevik,
> revolutionary etc, there would be the insurrectionary overtrhow of capitalism
>  in
> Russia is, I repeat, simply fantasy. The fact that people like Kagarlitsky,
>  who
> should know better, also seem to share this fantasy, changes nothing. But in
>  fact, K
> does know better. He is chasing the kprf for the same reason ultra-left
>  sectarians
> always do this: in order to appear to be on the side of the angels while
>  actually
> NOT doing anything politically, ie, not actually attacking capitalist state,
>  society
> etc etc.
> >
> > I don't, however, question any L-I poster's _desire_ to overthrow
> > capitalism, least of all yours.  That posters are filled with
> > revolutionary desire doesn't mean, though, that some of us may not
> > commit some errors trying achieve our objective.  If this list is to
> > amount to anything, it should become a place where comrades can
> > correct comrades, without needless outbursts deflecting attention
> > from substantial issues.  That's what you wanted yourself, no?
> I'd rather you said what's on your mind than resort to innuendo. I am not a
> moderator here but you are. My position is clear: I gave up moderating l-i
>  when I
> was too ill to continue. Now I'm not so ill and I'm in a mood to try to help
>  the
> list get back on track. What I mean by this is that we should not indulge
> sectarianism here. Have you forgotten the prehistory of lists like this? The
>  *whole
> point* about l-i was that it should be a non-sectarian and leninist platform.
>  I have
> always encouraged debate and it was I who first invited Johannes to
>  particpate,
> altho I obviously do not share his politics. But trench warfare is what we
>  don't
> want. I am very glad you are participating + moderating and I hope you will
>  use your
> undoubted skills as scholar, theorist, feminist and revolutionary to make the
>  list a
> better and more useful political tool. By all means, let us talk about
>  substantive
> issues.
> Mark
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