I think Yoshie's interventions are helpful and I am obliged to her for them.

HOWEVER: to say

> The clarity of revolutionary Leninist politics can't be achieved if
> one part of the Left remains trapped in the overblown fear of
> Red-Brown alliances on the periphery and the other part falls for the
> overestimation of political capacity of whatever party or movement
> that claims to be patriotic, socialist, etc. (e.g. the CPRF).
> Indeed, we need to raise the level of the debate here!  I ask sober
> heads who are still here to post their thoughts.

begs a question. Firstly and IN PRINCIPLE I do not think it is Leninist to accord
equal merit to 'one part of the left or another'. ONE part is revolutionary and
wishes to overthrow capitalism; the other is accommodationist and has no such
intention. The phraseology they use may be almost identical, mensheviks v.
bolsheviks q.v., but there is a world of difference IN PRACTICE, no?

Second, as Tony properly says, outfits like ISWOR are not part of the left at all,
they are stooges of imperialism. If I ran the CIA or MI5 I probably wouldn't help
out this kind of thing, but I'm not sure thay are so dignified and noble-minded.


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