----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Abdo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(startled by Yoshie):

> Social Democratic 'Movement' vs SD 'results'???

Umm, yeah. I would think this point is one of the least controversial that has been
made on the list. Put it this way: Austria has almost all services in public hands.
State ownership, welfare rights , etc. are all only possible on `this side' of the
Imperialist coin, unless the state in question wants a direct confrontation with
Imperialism. What Hugo Chavez is doing right now would pass for barely more than
liberal in the first world. It is in the Third World, property of the US by
birthright, so therefore all steps he might take to advance in inches are
revolutionary in their implications, if not deeds or results. Such is the severity of
the dynamic.


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