>Yoshie, what is it about this analysis by Kagarlitsky that you find to
>be of merit?   I find the idea that countries of the capitalist
>''periphery" cannot have Social Democratic movements ludicrous.     They
>do all the time.     Colombia and Mexico have both recently had Social
>Democratic formations playing a prominant role in their political life,
>just to pose two examples.     Kagarlitsky says that Russia can't???
>Tony Abdo
><Obviously, social democracy is possible only in the countries of the
>capitalist "centre", where the ruling class is able to make concessions
>to the workers because it controls additional resources on the
>"periphery". Russia is now part of the periphery of world capitalism,
>and for this very reason, efforts to construct western-style social
>democracy here have been doomed to failure.
>So if the KPRF is not being social-democratised, what is happening to

On the periphery, you can still have social democratic "movements," 
but you can't have social democratic results on a par with social 
democracy in rich nations.


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